For Us Financially

Scripture Reading - Deuteronomy 28:1,2,5,8,9 KJV

1 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth:
2 And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.
5 Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store.
8 The LORD shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses, and in all that thou settest thine hand unto; and he shall bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
9 The LORD shall establish thee an holy people unto himself, as he hath sworn unto thee, if thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, and walk in his ways.

In a previous lesson we covered how God is “For Us” in so many ways including salvation, healing, wisdom, peace, prosperity and etc… We also taught briefly on God being “For Us” in our specific “profession” and “confession”. Which means the Lord helps us in our job (career, occupation, profession). God also watches over our words to bring His help into our situations by our confession of faith. Therefore, watch what you are saying because we have a spiritual audience listening to whatever we say. We have discussed God being “For Us” concerning our family and/or our household. This basically means it is the Lord’s Will to save all those you live with. We have mentioned God being “For Us” in our prayers, which is another way of saying that God is always ready to help us communicate better with Him. We also learned that God is “For Us” concerning our healing both physically (body) and mentally (soul). In this lesson we will discuss God being “For Us Financially”. The reason we (ihlcc) chose the scripture above from the Old Testament is because we desire for everyone to know that financial provision is conditional. Yes, we know people don’t always want to hear that but it is the truth. One would ask, “Well ihlcc what is that condition?” We would answer it is not one main condition but rather two. We notice both conditions in verses 1 and 9. A major condition is mentioned as doing God’s Word in the two verses above. This is referred to as the Lord’s (His) commandments but the two are the same because God’s commandments are spoken from the Heart of God to all as Words to live by. We know God’s Voice by knowing (being familiar with) God’s language which is full of God’s Word. This brings us to our second major condition which is walking according to God’s Heart or we could say God’s Holy Spirit. Yes, the children of God are lead of the Spirit of God whether someone calls it hearkening diligently unto the voice of the Lord or walking in God’s Ways it is all the same principle we must be able to follow God’s direction (His guidance). Thus, the two main components of prosperity are God’s Word (the Amazing Jesus Christ) and God’s Spirit (the Precious Holy Spirit). While the Holy Word of God teaches us principles to live by in our everyday life only the guidance of the Holy Spirit can optimize when to make the proper investments to grow your money over a period of time. The Word of God builds the solid foundation while the Holy Spirit of God complements that foundation by building a beautiful house on top of it. For example when building a house you generally start out with a plan. The plan for financial growth must come from God to have a pure and clean motive, then once the plan is agreed upon by all parties involved the plan can be finalized and put into practice. This would include laying the strong foundation first to support the house and keep it steady for the life of the home. Likewise, the Word of God will lay out a financial plan of being a good steward of God’s resources through the proper use of planning and budgeting. What to budget for comes from God’s Word (priorities needs, wants and desires) whereas having the strength to carry out a budget comes from God’s Holy Spirit by giving us peace, discipline and joy while living within a budget. Also, God’s Word teaches us what to invest in and exactly what not to invest into to steady our life and our financial estate. However, since the economy changes and we can change jobs and income over the course of our life we need additional guidance. Welcome, Holy Spirit into our everyday life. To say that every Christian should be rich without linking it to obedience to God could be misleading. There are even some Christian who have no desire to be rich but cherish a more moderate lifestyle that requires less financial responsibility (oversight), which is perfectly acceptable to God and us. We don’t believe that your financial status is a direct reflection (measurement) of your spirituality with God. We do believe that your obedience to God in word and deed is a more accurate measurement of your maturity (growth) in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit wants to help you prosper mentally, spiritually and financially but we must invite Him into our daily affairs. The Holy Spirit has directed us (ihlcc) on when to concentrate our money on paying off certain bills (debts) at specific times, even when the certain bill was not in our immediate payoff plans. However, due to obedience to the Holy Spirit of God we saved thousands over the duration of several years. God is “For Us” concerning our finances but we must be “For Him” when it comes to doing God’s Word through the unction of God’s Holy Spirit in Jesus Name. Amen!